Comparison Between Synchronous and Induction Motor.
Comparison Between Synchronous and Induction Motor. |
Comparison Point 1:
Synchronous Motors.
✅ it has got no self starting torque and some external means is required for its starting
Induction Motors.
✅ It has got self starting torque and no special means is required for its starting.
Comparison Point 2 :
Synchronous Motors.
✅ Its average speed is constant and independent of load.
Induction Motors.
✅Its speed falls with the increase in load nd is always less than
Comparison Point 3 :
synchronous speed.
✅ it can be operated under a wide range of power factor, both lagging and leading
Induction Motors.
✅It operates at only lagging power factor, which becomes ven poor at light loads.
Comparison Point 4 :
Synchronous Motors.
✅ It requires dc excitation so it is a doubly excited machine.
Induction Motors.
✅ It requires no dc excitation so it is a singly excited machine.
Comparison Point 5 :
Synchronous Motors.
✅ No speed control is possible.
Induction Motors.
✅Speed can be controlled but to small extent.
Comparison Point 6 :
Synchronous Motors.
✅ It is used for supplying mechanical load as well as for power factor improvement.
Induction Motors.
✅ It is used for supplying mechanical load only.
Comparison Point 7:
Synchronous Motors.
✅ Its torque is less sensitive to change in supply voltage.
Induction Motors.
✅Its torque is more sensitive to change in supply voltage.
Comparison Point 8:
Synchronous Motors.
✅ Breakdown torque is proportional to the supply voltage.
Induction Motors.
✅Breakdown torque is proportional to the square of the supply voltage.
Comparison Point 9:
Synchronous Motors.
✅ It is more complicated and costs more comparatively.
However, synchronous motors with speeds below 500 rpm and ratings exceeding about 40 kW or with medium speeds from 500 to 1,000 rpm and ratings exceeding about 500 kW cost less than induction motors.
Induction Motors.
✅It is more simple and costs less comparatively.